Tarot: unlocking the three card spread

Part 2. It’s all about that spread


Now why should you care about  Tarot spreads? A spread is not strictly necessary, but it is intriguing. Why? Because a good pattern grabs the focus of both you and the reader.

When you find the question you wish to ask, are you satisfied with the spread? It’s easy to simply place them in a row, just like in the “Past present Future” spread. Although row placements are safe, they can get a little boring. If you are feeling creative, make your own.

When placing a spread keep in mind this. 

  • The spacing between the cards. A lot of air between one card and the rest of the cards will set a focus point. Close proximity in the cards creates a sense of connection between them.
  • How does the pattern look like? Is there a sense of harmony in the cards? Is there a clear focus point? Place your spread in relation to the reading. As an example, a specific question spread might benefit from a clear focus point. When too much happens at once in a spread, it disrupts harmony. Such spreads lack direction and are all over the place. This can ruin you and your seekers focus.



A spread that lacks focus



Here are some examples of spread layouts you can create with three cards.




Upright spreads are the easiest spreads to read with. The images are clear to see when placed in an upright position. There are exceptions to the rule, such as overlapping upright card. This is sometimes done with signifier cards.


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Crossing cards are a great feature to add to a reading. Crossing cards are an efficient way to see how two cards interact with each other. Although when you cross a card, the card on the bottom can be difficult to see. Keep in mind that it can affect readability.


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Tilted and Sideways

Tilted and sideways card spreads offer a nearly endless supply of different patterns. The reason for this I that a card spread can differ greatly when a card is slightly tilted or greatly tilted. Keep in mind that the readability of these spreads is not always easy.

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Sincerely, Hermit of the North

4 thoughts on “Tarot: unlocking the three card spread

  1. The Shameful Narcissist says:

    I’ll often put cards that I think are most connected closer together and ones that seem more distant farther apart, and I definitely straighten them because I don’t like when they’re askew. I haven’t used the cross method in a while nor any of the ones on the bottom. I really like those with the upright card in the middle and the askance ones below!

    Liked by 1 person

    • Hermit of the north says:

      Ah, I see. It really is a matter of preference really. It’s good to find a spread style that appeals to one’s own sense of aesthetic. Because like you said, we all have likes and dislikes when it comes to how the cards should be placed. And forcing yourself to use a placement style you dislike can easily mess with your focus.

      Liked by 1 person

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